Gusher Fountain Aerator

Gusher Fountains

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Gusher Fountains

Our Gusher Fountains create a highly visible, wind-resistant vertical column of water that adds a magnificent focal point to your property. Around the base of the column, a frothy, highly aerated, cascading stream creates a “white boil” effect that not only sounds delightful, but also helps maintain water clarity. Further, its rapid flow adds abundant oxygen to your water, promoting a healthy aquatic environment while naturally breaking down decaying vegetation. And it deters mosquitoes from breeding!

The Gusher’s rugged design and stainless steel construction assure you of years of enjoyment in either fresh or salt water.

Like all of the products Scott Aerator manufactures, the Gusher utilizes a stainless steel, oil-free, submersible motor, making it the most environmentally friendly style of fountain on the market. The Gusher is proudly manufactured in the USA and carries an unconditional, 5-year motor warranty.