WaterIQ Technologies™

Scientific, sustainable algae and biofilm control

WaterIQ Technologies water treatment solutions control algae and biofilm to help restore water ecosystems to their natural states through industry-leading technology and customer support-not chemicals.

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How Does Ultrasound Control Algae and Biofilm?

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The Pulsar is designed to target algae by producing ultrasonic frequencies that correspond to the critical structural resonance (CSR) of cyanobacteria gas vesicles and other algae organelles. The CSR method of algae remediation we employ does not allow harmful algae to release these toxins, so the water remains safe once these algae are defeated by buoyancy loss and consumed by bacteria.

Advanced Ultrasonic Technology

Advanced Ultrasonic Technology

Target and kill most forms of Bluegreen Alage along with Green Algae variants

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Pulsar 4400 and 3400

High Precision Ultrasound Targeting for Algae and Biofilm Remediation and Prevention with 4,400 Frequencies

The 4400 and 3400 units, both equipped with 4,400 ultrasonic frequencies, target green and blue-green algae, golden algae, and also dinoflagellates that cause red tide. Our frequency set provides high targeting precision for algae and biofilm control. The 3400 Unit is designed for smaller bodies of water and enclosed applications — but with the same high precision targeting of algae and biofilm.

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Our Solution Family

WaterIQ Technologies provides a comprehensive and powerful solution to manage algae — to prevent, combat and sustain improvements in algae mitigation. It is based on the Pulsar product line, a platform that utilizes
advanced ultrasonic technology to disrupt and remediate algae. Our platform allows you to tailor a solution
to fit your needs with options that include water monitoring, integrated water monitoring, multiple power and
deployment modes, and cloud monitoring services, either integrated with your IT systems or standalone.

Pulsar 3400 and 4400 — advanced ultrasound systems that prevent and mitigate algae blooms

SenseIQ — water quality probes with a “just right Mini configuration” covering cyanotoxins, Chlorophyll A and
Temp and a full suite including DO, ORP, pH, Conductivity and Turbidity

Sentinel AIQ — a solar powered remote platform for the Pulsar systems and optional water quality probes. It
includes a robust telemetry stack linking to the cloud with mobile integration for site support

IQCloud — cloud platform with tiered access for the end user, resell partners and WaterIQ Technologies —
to monitor and respond to the operational performance of the platform and real time data

Smart IOT Subscriptions
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