Aquasweep - What Size is Best for You?
Our Scott Aerator Aquasweep is sometimes called the “Muck Mover” or “Muck Blaster”. But you may be asking, what is muck anyway?
Muck is a combination of organic debris such as dead algae, plants, grass clipping, leaves, or animal waste and inorganic sand, silt and gravel that builds up on the bottom of lakes and ponds. Muck is unpleasant to walk on or swim in. Too much muck can reduce water quality and clarity or create a toxic environment for fish or other organisms. Large quantities of muck created by algal blooms or other products of human activity may lead to these problems, especially in smaller water bodies.
When dissolved oxygen is added to the muck layer it creates a favorable environment for the aerobic bacteria that love to digest the organic compounds. Breaking down organic compounds found in muck aerobically is favored over anaerobic digestion because it does not generate any toxic compounds (methane or sulfur) as a byproduct. Stimulating the natural aerobic bacterial community reduces nitrogen and minimizes the release of phosphorus from the muck layer by creating an aerobic zone at the water sediment interface.
Fortunately, muck can be treated and the health of the water body can be restored by using our Aquasweep muck mover which can be positioned to remove surface debris or placed lower to move bottom muck. It can also help circulate and move oxygen between bottom and top water layers.
Motor Strength, Blower Distance, & Operating Depth

Motor strength determines the volume of muck it can move, as well as how far it can push that muck. Our Aquasweep is available in motor versions of ½ hp up to 1 hp. Stronger blowers are more effective especially for larger areas, as they turn the water over faster because they have higher flow rates.
You may also need to consider how far you want your blower to move debris. If you’re looking to clear a section of a large body of water, you may need debris pushed 70 feet or more. For smaller ponds, though, this distance might be unnecessary. A smaller distance might also be better if you share a waterfront with other property owners, since you probably don’t want to blow debris into your neighbors’ areas.
Operating depth is a factor as muck on the bottom can sometimes be heavier and take more power to move the distance you want. You also want to be careful that you don’t put it down so low that you are moving sand and sediment and keep the blades from turning smoothly. If the Aquasweep is too close to the bottom it may disturb the natural ecosystem by going so low you damage plants and animal habitats.